Mission Fellowship International

(the community that cares)

Worship and Mission

What is worship?
Definitions of Worship

Ralph Martin: - "Worship is the dramatic celebration in His supreme worth in such a manner that His Worthiness becomes the norm and inspiration of human living."

He also states - "Christian worship is the adoration and service of God the Father through the mediation of the Son and prompted by the Holy Spirit." Here the accent is entirely on what we DO in our adoration and service of God.

W. D. Maxwell writes – "Worship consists of our words and action, the outward expression of our homage and adoration, when we are assembled in the presence of God. These words and actions are governed by two things: our knowledge of the God whom we worship, and the human resources we are able to bring to that worship."

What is true worship?
1. The Word worship is made up of the English words worth and ship – meaning; to ascribe worth to God.
2. Worship begins with our words, actions and outward expressions of our adoration to God.
3. Worship is both a life to live and an act in which to participate.
4. True worship occurs when we meet with God.
5. When the supernatural God of the Scriptures shows up and interact with us.
6. True worship involves sacrificing that which is most dear to us
7. True worship is when both my words and life choices gives God His worth. The English word worship in the bible covers a number of original Greek words.
Look at these three original Greek words: Proskynesis
Worship that engages our heart and motivates our body: Prostration, reverence, kissing, bowing, declaration, and affections our whole bodied reverence. That which leads to salvation.

Latreia - offer your bodies as a living sacrifice
"Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, Holy and pleasing to God - This is your true and proper worship."

Leituorgia - the work of the people
"While they were worshipping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, "Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them".

God has called us to a life of service and worship to Him.

Through our bodily expressions of worship, Proskynesis, we physically demonstrate our adoration of God and show Him His worth.

We live our lives with the understanding we must be a living sacrifice, Latreia. We submit to Gods instruction and will to fulfil His plans.

Jesus came not to claim a God or King status although that is who He is. He came to serve not be served, Leituorgia. This is our attitude of worship to serve and work for our missional God in what He has called us to. Worship is in everything we do unto God, if we love Him we will show Him, if we have faith in Him we will sacrifice ourselves for Him and if we acknowledge Him as King of kings we will faithfully serve Him. It is all worship to our God.

In Mission Fellowship International we are worshippers with a heart to serve God. We come together expressing our worship corporately as we fellowship together and seek his heart for His mission that we are always prepared to serve others.

We commit to serve others in the mission field as unto the Lord for all that He has done. We seek to serve without expectation of personal gain or accolades. It is our aims that through living a lifestyle of worship giving of ourselves, our resources, our time, our gifts, our abilities we will fulfil purpose and destiny.

Worship is in the very core of our Vision hence we seek to equip the worshippers wherever we go. We do this through partnering with Tom Inglis prophetic Psalmody program.
Worship as a lifestyle

Meeting Days:

3rd Saturday of the month 4.00pm meet for fellowship and equipping.

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Meeting Days:

3rd Saturday of the month 4.00pm meet for fellowship and equipping.

Postal Address:

Mail Box 178, 83 Ducie Street
Manchester. M1 2JQ